
Riverbed Hunt

Created by Odd Statue Games

A Light Strategy Deduction board game for 3 to 9 players, set in a fantasy world!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Spielwelt Weekend and Social Goals
10 months ago – Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 07:48:47 AM

Our Kickstarter campaign has entered its second half and it's been an amazing journey so far! Thanks to your support, Riverbed Hunt was funded within its first few hours and by now, we (you, the backers) have unlocked some of these beautiful stretch goals. Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for choosing to support this campaign and making Riverbed Hunt a reality.

Riverbed Hunt in Bielefeld

It’s been a few hours that Spielwelt in Bielefeld has begun and, as you can see, our game is set and ready for some game rounds! If you happen to be there today or tomorrow, don’t hesitate to join us. We would love to meet you in person and present you the world of Tritons!

Riverbed Hunt at Spielwelt

Kicktraq & Social Media

Consider following along with the campaign on Kicktraq and don’t forget to help us with the social goals, so we can upgrade the quality of the box in various ways! Follow Odd Statue Games on Instagram, subscribe to Riverbed Hunt’s page on Board Game Geek, and keep sharing the campaign on Facebook. A few more days left and we are half way there! Come on Tritons, we can unlock these together!

Ps: We are getting closer to our second and final mystery unlock, on November 14th. Stay tuned, because I strongly believe this one will be even more exciting than the previous one…

Until then, stay Oddly Legendary!

The Odd Statue Games Team

Track Tokens Module Unlocked
10 months ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 02:34:47 AM

One day closer into making this dream called “Riverbed Hunt” a reality! Are you still with us? We know that you are and we deeply appreciate it! Yesterday we celebrated reaching the 8.000€, unlocking one more stretch goal: the Track Tokens Module. But how does these tokens work? Here's a little more about it:

New Game Module 

Riverbed Hunt Track Tokens - Work in Progress. Final module design may vary from the above presentation.

Each of these tokens hide a unique reward that players benefit from. Some of these are going to be familiar, already known effects from the base game, like peeking/flipping tiles, or drawing ability cards, while others are going to be new ones, like refreshing actions (without using Co-op) or even exhausting other players’ actions!

During setup, players will flip the Track Tokens face-down, shuffle them and keep only a certain number of them, depending on the player count. These tokens will be randomly placed on the track board, on specific spaces. Whenever the respective counter of a track reaches (or passes through) a space with a token, the player responsible for moving the counter will take the token and secretly view it.

Riverbed Hunt Track Tokens - Work in Progress. Final module design may vary from the above presentation.

There are two types of tokens:

  • the ones that must be immediately revealed and reward the player who grabbed them or
  • the ones that must be placed face-down on any tile of the main board.

The latter are going to be triggered/revealed only when a player ends their movement on that tile, affecting them in a good or sometimes in a bad way! This module brings more fun and strategic variability to the game, without adding any unnecessary complexity.

What’s Next

The next stretch goal is about the Track Board, adding a second layer to it, so that the wooden track counters can stay put to their spaces, as the game progresses. The holes created by this second layer will also fit the Track Tokens (new module) within them.

Riverbed Hunt - Double Layer Track Board

We highly encourage you to spread the word and share the campaign with your friends and through the media, so we can all enjoy one more upgraded component while playing Riverbed Hunt.

Until then, stay Oddly Legendary!

The Odd Statue Games Team

New Stretch Goal Unlocked & Valuing Our Backers
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 11:34:17 AM

Hey there Tritons! Today we are back with a very special update for you. First things first, thanks to you we’ve made it to the 8.000€, unlocking another stretch goal for Riverbed Hunt. Once again, Thank You for your support! Each of these milestones is a huge win for us and ultimately, a better game for you. Now, speaking of “better game”, we recently made an unusual decision that excited us and we hope that it will excite you too.

It’s been almost a week since the beginning of this journey and from day 1, we’ve been carefully paying attention to its progress, because our first priority is 1) to show you our respect for your trust in us and 2) to deliver you the best game possible, because you deserve it. So, considering the campaign’s statistics during the past few days, we came to a realization that gave us an idea!

We noticed that most of you have pledged for the Chief edition, which includes the upgraded, plastic Color Markers and Active Player Token. That means that the two upcoming stretch goals: the wooden Active Player Token in 8.000€ (that just unlocked) and the thicker cardboard Color Marker in 9.000€, are not of the same value as the previous goals for you and, in our opinion, that feels pretty unfair. With all of our respect to each backer, we wanted to fix that while keeping everyone happy. We put some serious thought on it and debated if any changes in the stretch goals order was something that may dissatisfy any of you or contrariwise, make you even more excited about the project! We reconsidered everything, trying to figure out what is the one thing that a backer might appreciate, and the answer was “Kickstarter exclusives”. Although we would love to publish a great game for everyone, sometimes you have to make some tough decisions and, in this case, we decided that we want the best for our backers first, showing you that we value your support and presence here.

So, after considering all these thoughts seriously, we concluded to a couple stretch goal rearrangements that we believe you will all agree with. Now, we are very excited to present you the new stretch goals order, starting with the one that just got unlocked, the Track Tokens module!

What do you think of the changes? Does this order makes more sense for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below and stay tuned, for the next update is going to be a detailed presentation of how this new Track Tokens module works and what it adds to the game.

Until then, stay Oddly Legendary!

The Odd Statue Games Team

3-Player Mode & Conventions – Let’s Meet Up At Spielewelt
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 11:06:20 PM

Mystery Unlocked!

As we promised, our first free mystery gift is here! The 3-player rules are now going to be included in each rulebook, making Riverbed Hunt a 3-9 players game! In this variant, the Merchants are going to be played by the game itself (using only the Chief Merchant role) as an AI, and the players are going to use two simple Separatists and the Profiteer, during the setup. Each team is looking for their elements underneath the tiles, as usual, and of course, whenever a kelp is revealed the players must progress the respective track counter on the Track board. Additionally, each of the Chief’s turns, the players are going to progress the kelp track counter one space forward. So, the two teams (Separatists and the Profiteer) are going to compete with each other, while at the same time they will have to reveal their elements in just a few rounds; otherwise the game (Merchants) wins. It’s going to have a fast but tactical race feel where every move or mistake matters...

The river tiles and ability cards used for the 3-player mode are going to be less than the 4-player game, in order to keep the same balances. Having said that, the Wild Stream ability deck is going be compatible with the 3-player mode.

Riverbed Hunt - New Player Range!

To be honest, we tried really hard to make the game playable with two players as well, but unfortunately, we couldn’t find a way to make the deduction part of it actually work. So, instead of creating a totally different game feel just to make Riverbed Hunt a 2-9 players, we decided to keep it only down to three players where the game is fun and yet, a Riverbed Hunt experience.

Conventions During Campaign

Riverbed Hunt in Spellenspektakel 2023!

We would like to say a big Thank You to all the people who joined us and show their interest for Riverbed Hunt during the Spellenspektakel fair in Utrecht, last weekend. Your support was incredible and it was so nice meeting you all! We hope to have the same, warm welcome at the Spielewelt convention in Bielefeld (November 11-12th). And of course, if you plan on being there we would love to meet you in person and play some Riverbed Hunt together! See you soon Tritons!

Until then, stay Oddly Legendary! 

The Odd Statue Games Team

Campaign Recap & Mystery Unlock
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 06:05:30 AM

Launch Recap

It’s been almost four days already since the campaign launched and we wouldn’t have made it this far without your help! Thinking that this is our first Kickstarter project, we weren’t sure what to expect, until day 1! Your enthusiasm and trust in us and Riverbed Hunt has deeply moved our small team. You are amazing!! Can’t thank you enough.

Here’s a recap of what we have achieved so far:

  • Funding goal reached in 41 hours!
  • Over 120% funded and still 10 days to go.
  • Almost 250 Triton backers believed in Riverbed Hunt.
  • First 2 stretch goals unlocked!
  • Riverbed Hunt was selected as a “Project We Love”, by Kickstarter.

Mystery Unlock

And now let’s move to some more spicy news! During the last month or so, we’ve been working on some game development aspects in order to deliver you an even better game, and instead of presenting them up front, we thought of keeping the suspense by revealing them to you, as the campaign progresses. Well, we are very excited to inform you that the first one is about to be revealed tomorrow, November 7th! Unfortunately I can’t share more for now, but I have a question for you…

Riverbed Hunt - First Mystery Unlock!

Question: can you guess what this first mystery unlock might be?! The clue is “less meeples!”. Let us see your answers in the comments below!

Until then, stay Oddly Legendary!

The Odd Statue Games Team