
Riverbed Hunt

Created by Odd Statue Games

A Light Strategy Deduction board game for 3 to 9 players, set in a fantasy world!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Linen Finish Unlocked
10 months ago – Sun, Nov 05, 2023 at 07:35:16 AM

One of the most common, but at the same time, most important quality upgrade in board games’ history has been unlocked for our game too, through the first two stretch goals. All Riverbed Hunt’s cards, tiles, boards, and tokens will be produced with linen finish! Thank you!

“Not so long ago, around ten years or so, there was a time where I was working on one of my never-finished board game projects and during that period, I thought of approaching a small, local publisher to get some information about how the board game publishing industry works; I had no clue at all. I remember showing them a card from another, already published game, which I had fallen in love with its quality and wanted to know everything about it. I wanted to know how could I produce my game’s cards with the exact same material and what was the difference between this and a normal-paper card. In fact, I had no idea how to call this and that’s why I brought the card with me. With his eyes bugging, the guy from the publishing company told me that this was called linen finish and that only huge companies like Asmodee, Fantasy Flight Games, or Days of Wonder produce that kind of quality; other games don’t do that…” – Yan Theo

What's Next

The next stretch goal is about the active player token, upgrading it from cardboard to wooden.

The active player token is mostly needed in higher player count or when the Wild Stream ability deck is included in the game, since there are many cards that could be played out of turn and interrupt other players’ actions. It is a unique component that moves around the table as players take turns, so being wooden would give it this special feel, distinguishing it from all the other tokens/markers.

Feel free to spread the word and share the campaign, so we can reach this goal faster.

Until then,

stay Oddly Legendary!

The Odd Statue Games Team